Dearly beloved in Christ,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. I praise God for this time to greet all
of you through this newsletter of our parish. Thank
God for safely bringing us to the last month of this
We are entering the Christmas season. Christmas
reminds us of the salvific act of God. God became
human and lived in this world to save humankind
from sin. The incarnation happened because some
of the chosen people had submitted their life for
the mission of God. God invites us also to partici-
pate in His mission. Let us submit ourselves to the
will of God.
In this advent season, our church observes 25 days of lent. For our Church, this is
the season of waiting for the birth of Christ. During this time the church prepares
itself through cleansing and renewal for the advent of the Lord. It serves as a time
of spiritual discipline and renewal in preparation for Christmas. Church observes
lent with fasting, prayer and self-sacrifice.
On December 21
our church observes Mar Thoma Church Day (Sabha Dinam),
where we remember with gratitude the life of the Apostle St. Thomas who found-
ed the Malankara church in A.D. 52., and the bishops, priests, deacons, evange-
lists, and the laity who have led the ministry of the Church. Let us praise God for
our Church and pray for God's blessings, grace, and mercy on our Church.
This year we will have Christmas Eve service on December 24
, 2022, starting at
6.00 pm. I request all of you to participate and encourage our choir and children
who perform their talents. On Christmas Day we will have Holy Qurbana in
I thank all of you for your commitment, participation, and contributions to the
activities of the parish. Since We are entering the end of this year, I encourage all
of you to submit your donations if any item is due for this year. Let us Celebrate
this Christmas by submitting ourselves to God’s hands and look forward to the
new year prayerfully and hopefully to take up the challenges with God.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
With prayers and love,
Rev. Saju C. Pappachen